-France and Germany both suffered enormous casualties in the battle of Verdun.

-The battle of Somme resulted in enormous casualties for Brtain and Germany.

-Germans defeated the British in the third battle of Ypres.

-Front lines remain unchanged.
-Poison gas was used.

-New weaponds such as tanks, aircraft, machine guns, artillary.

-Trench Warfare.

-Women entered the military workforce, mainly as nurses.

-Propoganda used to gain an edge in the war.

-Mainly a stationary war, had to use strrategies like flanking and encircling.
Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary

Allied Powers: Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia.
Militarism: European nations engage in a massive military buildup.
Alliances: European countries form partnerships to protect themselves.
Imperialism: Rival empires seek to keep power.

Trench warfare


Miles and miles of trench warfare snaked through the landscape of Western Europe from 1914 to 1918. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in the trenches. Rain flooded the trenches, rodents and insects infested the men, and the dead were a constant reminder of what could happen in the future. Gas and artillery were used to help defeat the enemy and to help prepare for an infantry invsasion. Sandbags lined around the trenches, barbed wire was around the trenches, and most were tried to be in a snake-like structure. Also trenches were dug deep to help protect the soldiers, and this seemed to be the only defense.